Conduct an Analysis of the Competition

Conducting the Analysis

Our goal is to discover answers to the following questions:

  • Who do you consider to be your competitors?
  • What businesses in your market are you truly impressed with?
  • What are their current and previous strategies?
  • How do they compare to your current strategies?
  • Are they aggressive in paid advertising?
  • What is their position in the search engines in comparison to yours and why?
  • How effective does their social media reach appear to be?
  • What can you do to improve and compete at a higher level?

If you can simply answer the first two questions, I can take the time to perform the analysis and provide as many details as possible on the answers to the rest, along with any strategies I might feel are worthy of suggesting for you to consider in your marketing strategies. I will return the full report to you within 5 business days, giving you a simple and clear map to your position in opposition to your competitors.

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